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5 Major Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants

The idea of breathing fresh air, whether indoors or outside, is something that every individual wants. The problem for those seeking it indoors is that issues can develop which short-circuit such thinking, putting the people within that environment in an unhealthy situation.

A number of reasons can be determined for the problem. Listed below are five sources of indoor air pollutants:

Albuquerque, NM Air-Quality-ServicesTobacco Smoke

With cigarettes, cigars or a pipe, the pungent odor lingers long enough to cause irritation to certain areas of the body. It also can negatively affect those with respiratory problems and from a non-health perspective, the smoke seeps into clothing and furniture, which necessitates cleanup.

In a poorly ventilated home in need of HVAC assistance, this can quickly become a burden.

Dust & Mites

The need to stay vigilant in making sure that dust doesn’t settle and any carpets are swept free of mites is imperative to combat indoor pollutants.

Some issues are simply part of daily life, but in others, it can be related to an air conditioner, humidifier or dehumidifier that’s badly in need of proper maintenance.


Older Albuquerque homes are especially vulnerable to this pollutant, since the paint used was undoubtedly lead-based. In addition, water pipes could be a source of the problem, since they were made from lead.

Children are the demographic most at risk, since a home with poor ventilation can result in them breathing in the lead, which causes developmental problems and slows their growth.

Adhesives & Glues

Both of these products have value, but when they’re used in a Albuquerque home where the ventilation is substandard due to HVAC problems, they can become a problem. That’s because a toxic like formaldehyde can remain in the air when using adhesives, while some glues (like those used in nail polish) can emit another toxic like acetone.

Carbon Monoxide

By far, the deadliest possible indoor pollutant, since breathing in high levels can cause death for all residents inside. At the very least, it can result in headaches and nausea. This problem can be caused by a furnace or water heater that’s either been poorly installed, neglected or simply needs a regular look by an HVAC professional.

Handling these issues are something that’s best left to the professionals in the HVAC field, since they perform these tasks on a daily basis.

Stop ruining the air quality in your Albuquerque, NM home. Call Daniel’s Heating and Air Conditioning today at (505) 898-8860 to get further insight and assistance on this issue.