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Energy-Saving Strategies for Your HVAC System

You rely on your HVAC system to keep your Albuquerque home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. To help it do its best job for you, here are some of the best energy-saving strategies you can put into practice.

Albuquerque, NM Energy Efficiency Monitor and Change Filters

When the filters in your HVAC system are clean, the system can work most efficiently and cost effectively. The end result will be cleaner, more pleasant indoor air. Check your filters at least once a month to see if they need to be changed.

Keep extra filters on hand at all times so you’ll always be prepared to change them. If your HVAC system requires reusable filters, wash them according to the schedule recommended by the filter company or HVAC company.

Your filters may need to be changed or washed more often when your heating or air conditioning is running more.

Use the Sun to Your Advantage

When the weather is hot, keep curtains and other window treatments closed to save on energy used by your air conditioning system. Fans and shade trees can also help the air conditioning system in the summer.

In the winter, open up window treatments so plenty of natural energy from the sun can flood your Albuquerque home and allow your heating system to take more breaks.

Take Care of Leaks

If your home has leaks, such as around doorways or windows that connect to the outside, the HVAC system must work harder and costs you more money. Go around your home and find any leaks, then plug them with caulking or weather stripping.

Follow a Regular Maintenance Schedule

Just as your car needs regular oil changes, tuneups, and other routine services, your HVAC service needs regular maintenance to keep it in tip-top shape. A qualified local company can let you know what services you need and when you need them.

Generally it’s wise to have routine maintenance services performed at least once a year, or possibly even twice a year. That is, services help the most when you have them done before you get your air conditioning going in the spring and before you fire up your heating system for the winter.

Following these strategies can help your HVAC system work better and last longer. In the end, this can save you money and avoid aggravation. For quality HVAC services in your Albuquerque, NM home, call Daniels Heating & Air Conditioning at (505) 898-8860.