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furnace heater unit

Three Reasons Why a Heater Might Stop Working

Thanksgiving’s just around the corner. Hot turkey? Check. Hot mashed potatoes? Check. The house itself? Cold. But why? There’s a handful of reasons why one’s heater stops working. Issues could range from a dirty filter to a deeper, underlying problem.

While homeowners can replace a filter themselves, it’s sometimes necessary to call in a professional heater service. Here are three possible reasons why one’s heater might stop functioning.

The Unit Isn’t Big Enough for the Home

This happens more often than developers like to admit. To cut costs, homebuilders might see a cheap heater on the market and install it without regard to efficiency. While the heater might warm one room, the rest might feel like iceboxes.

Heat is measured in British thermal units – or BTUs. A house that’s 1,200 square feet should have a heater capable of emitting 36,000 to 72,000 BTUs. The bigger the home, the more BTUs required.

In this situation, homeowners can purchase space heaters to fill in the gaps. However, this is merely a short-term solution. In the long run, an inadequately sized heater can lead to many issues – primarily, expensive power bills. An undersized heater will never shut off because it can’t generate enough power to keep the house warm.

Issues with the Thermostat

A home’s thermostat does more than deliver a digital reading; it gives the heater “instructions” when to turn on and off. An efficient thermostat will measure the home’s temperature and give instructions accordingly. A broken thermostat, however, will give incorrect readings. This, in turn, gives the heater the wrong instructions.

Consider the following scenario. A thermostat sets the home’s temperature at 70 degrees. However, internally, it tells the heater that 60 degrees is fine. These problems may occur:

  • Residents might keep turning up the thermostat to no avail.
  • The heater won’t turn on or off because it’s not “talking” to the thermostat.
  • Homeowners’ power bills will skyrocket because the heater won’t know when to turn off.
  • The heater will experience above-average wear and tear due to prolonged use.

Homeowners might first try resetting the thermostat to remedy the issue. However, if this doesn’t work, it’s best to consult an HVAC company that offers thermostat services and furnace repair. It may even recommend thermostat installation if there’s something fundamentally wrong with the device.

A Dirty Filter or Debris Around the Vents Can Create Issues

A dirty filter is the most common culprit of an ineffective heating system. Even if they don’t experience issues, homeowners should change their filters once every 90 days. Dog hair, skin cells, and pieces of plastic create a cold house and pose a fire hazard. No one wants their house that hot.

Another issue could be debris stuck to the heater outside. A properly functioning HVAC system has clear vents. Homeowners should check outside and examine whether any leaves, grass clippings, or other waste have somehow clogged the heater’s vents. If there’s a clog inside the heater, they should turn off the power before attempting to remove the blockage.

Daniels Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC Has a Decade of Experience

When homeowners in the Santa Fe, NM area have heating problems, they turn to Daniels Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC for their HVAC needs. These professionals understand the frustrations of finding a trusted HVAC repair company. Homeowners should look no further. They offer a wealth of central heating services designed to heat even the chilliest of homes.