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scheduled ac maintenance

3 Reasons Homeowners Should Not Wait Until It’s Hot To Schedule an AC Tune-up!

Being complacent about air conditioning system maintenance during the winter and early spring is easy. The average homeowner’s mind is more geared to the heating in winter and perhaps just enjoying the warmer weather when spring rolls around. Before long, though, the summer will set in, and a unit may not be in as good a shape as the household originally anticipated. They may need more time to get immediate service if they try to call for maintenance or an air conditioner repair. Starting the mid to late spring with a maintenance call will give a homeowner peace of mind and cooler temperatures throughout the summer.

Reason #1: More Availability

People are less likely to use their air conditioners in spring, so they tend not to think about it. Maintenance is usually an annual or bi-annual thing, so it is often a slower time for HVAC companies, and they may be able to schedule a maintenance visit very quickly. This will also avoid emergency calls in the heat of summer. If a person has maintenance done, the chance of a critical failure of the AC system is greatly reduced. Some of the maintenance tasks that an HVAC technician will perform include:

This is a partial list, but it gives a general idea of what a professional would do. They can also replace worn-out parts and repair coolant leaks that may cause the system to freeze amid a heat wave.

Reason #2: Greater Energy Efficiency Throughout the Summer

One of the biggest pluses of having regular maintenance is the energy savings over the life of the AC unit. Like any other machine, an air conditioner wears out over time. This involves not only the wearing down of parts in the machine but also a reduction in efficiency. With proper maintenance, an AC unit can function at the highest possible efficiency year after year. This results in the following benefits.

  • Lower Energy Bills: A more efficient unit will use less energy and cost less to run.
    Consistent Temperatures: It will be easier for the unit to maintain optimal temperatures with clean ducts and coils.
  • Saves Money: A maintenance visit is much quicker and cheaper than an emergency visit in the middle of summer.
  • Peace of Mind: A homeowner will not have anxiety over the state of their AC. They can simply enjoy the temperature-controlled home.

Reason #3: Longer Life for AC Unit

When a person takes care of their car, gets new tires, keeps gas in the tank, and changes the oil, the car will last a long time. The same is true of a well-maintained AC unit. If regular professional maintenance is done on a home’s air conditioning unit, it will last longer. This is another money saver because it costs less for maintenance than it does to purchase a new unit.

About Daniels Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC

Daniels Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning, LLC was founded in 2010 and offers expert workmanship in all areas of home comfort. They provide 24/7 emergency service in Santa Fe, NM, and the surrounding communities. Call today for AC maintenance.