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The New Year is a Good Time for Heater Installation

As homeowners, people try to wait as long as possible to spend money on big ticket items such as renovations and heater replacement. Unfortunately, when the time comes, there may be no other option than to have a total system replacement. This article will detail how homeowners can tell that their heater is going out and what the options are for new heater installation.

How to Know If a Heater is on its Last Legs

Though a loss of heat may be the most obvious sign of problems with a heater, there are many other indicators that show a heater is headed for failure long before there is no heat at all. The heater may demonstrate malfunction in several ways, such as:

  • Age (more than 10 years old)
  • Banging
  • Popping
  • Whistling or screeching
  • Constant running
  • Running too hot
  • Short cycling
  • Struggling to reach the ideal temperature
  • Temperature fluctuations

All of these are indicators of a need for service, but depending on the age of the unit and what is wrong, a full heater replacement may be necessary.

Which Heater is the Right Choice?

heaterJust as there are many different dishwashers or other appliances that do the same job, there are many different forms of heating systems. A homeowner or household has to decide what will best fit their needs. The options for heating include electrical heating, the furnace, the boiler, and the heat pump. These will be discussed in detail with the pros and cons below.

  • Electrical Heating: This heating type is often used for central heat and air conditioning units. A coil heats up and air blows across it and takes the heat to the rest of the house. These units are often part of one HVAC unit that does heating and cooling. They are fairly easy to service and are widely available. These units are less efficient than some of the other choices on the list.
  • Boiler: Boilers have been used for more than a century. Though nowadays the technology is more advanced, the basics of the boiler have mostly stayed the same. A heat source (usually gas-powered) heats water in a closed tube system that spreads the hot water throughout the house, providing radiant heat. These tubes can be installed behind baseboards and even underneath floors. Boilers are highly efficient and are good for air quality, but they can be expensive to install and sometimes difficult to service.
  • Furnace: The furnace uses a flame to heat air distributed throughout the home, usually via air ducts. Sometimes these are wall units that are for smaller spaces. These are fairly easy to install and provide good consistent heat. They bring with them the hazards of gas if there is a leak or a pilot goes out. 
  • Heat Pump: This system is unique in not generating heat. It takes heat from the air, water, or underground(geothermal) and brings it into the house. This is the most common form of heater used with ductless mini splits. It is highly efficient and quiet, though it may not heat well in large, open spaces. 

Schedule Heating Maintenance Early

maintainingIf a homeowner chooses or needs to get a new heater installed, they should consult the HVAC technician on completion of the project about when to schedule maintenance. A maintained system is more efficient, costs less in repair, and keeps the home comfortable despite the frightful outdoor weather.

About Daniels Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC

Demonstrating expert workmanship and providing 24 hour emergency service, Daniels Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, LLC has been part of the community of Santa Fe, NM and the surrounding areas for more than a decade. Call today to schedule heater service.